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Showing posts with the label MOTIVATIONAL LINES


HENRY FORD Dear children today we are going to read a motivational story about Henry Ford who might be motivate as well as inspire you.  Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, revolutionized the automotive industry with his innovative assembly line production method. However, his journey to success was not without setbacks.      As a young man, Ford was fascinated by mechanics and engineering. He worked as an apprentice machinist and later as an engineer at the Edison Illuminating Company. In 1896, he built his first gasoline-powered vehicle, the Quadricycle.      Ford's dream was to make cars affordable for the average American. He formed the Detroit Automobile Company in 1899, but it failed due to the high prices of his vehicles. Undeterred, he formed the Henry Ford Company in 1902, but was forced out by his investors. In 1903, Ford founded the Ford Motor Company with a mere $28,000 in capital. He introduced the Model T in 1908, which became a huge success. However, i

Today's motivational lines

 दिनांक : ३० सितम्बर २०२३  “Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.” — Mark Twain

जलाओ दिये पर रहे ध्यान इतना !

जलाओ दिये पर रहे ध्यान इतना ! जलाओ दिये  पर रहे ध्यान इतना , अँधेरा धरा पर कहीं रह न जाये |  नयी ज्योति के धर नए पंख झिलमिल , उड़े मत्र्य मिटटी गगन स्वर्ग छू ले , लगे रोशनी की झड़ी झूम ऐसी , निशा की गली में तिमिर राह भूले , खुले मुक्ति का वह किरण द्वार जगमग , उषा जा न पाये , निशा आ न पाये  जलाओ दिए पर रहे ध्यान इतना, अँधेरा धरा पर कहीं रह न जाये | सृजन है अधूरा अगर विश्व भर में , कहीं भी किसी द्वार  है उदासी , मनुजता नहीं पूर्ण तब तक बनेगी , कि  जब तक लहू के लिए भूमि प्यासी , चलेगा सदा नाश का खेल यूँ ही ,भले ही दिवाली यहाँ रोज आये , जलाओ दिये  पर रहे ध्यान इतना , अँधेरा धरा पर कहीं रह न जाये | मगर दीप  की दीप्ति से सिर्फ जग में , नहीं मिट सका है धरा का अँधेरा , उतर क्यों न आये नखत सब नयन के , नहीं  सकेंगे ह्रदय में उजेरा, काटेंगे तभी यह अँधेरे घिरे अब , स्वयं धर मनुज दीप का रूप आये , जलाओ दिये  पर रहे ध्यान इतना , अँधेरा धरा पर कहीं रह न जाये |  -पदमश्री गोपालदास "नीरज " द्वारा रचित